Sunday, April 30, 2023
One Student - Many Influences
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Warming Up - A Short Suggestion
Here's another post based on things I've observed at the gym.
All exercise classes start with a warm-up. This is true whether it is a "thrive" pilates class, meant for senior citizens (which I learned after being 25 years younger than the average), or a butt-kicking spin class with Stacey A. When it comes to our bodies, it is understood that we cannot go from the street to the red zone without some transition time. Doing something easy for five minutes allows the following forty to be more efficient. Without the "sacrifice" of those first few minutes, we wouldn't be able to push our bodies to do more in the rest of the workout.
Do we understand that when it comes to our minds? Because of our limited class time, we sometimes expect students to dive into the deep end as soon as the bell rings, thinking we can't afford to "sacrifice" any of our valuable time. Perhaps, our students would benefit from the same kind of warm-up time for their brains that we would give their bodies. Starting class with a couple of basic recall questions related to the deeper thinking we want them to do would be helpful in making their thinking more efficient. By bringing the basic facts to the surface of their working memory, we might actually be able to push their analysis, synthesis, or evaluation abilities to do more in the remaining minutes of the class.
It's worth a try.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Risk, Reward, and Student Ambition
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Working Out and Working Memory
I joined the YMCA about a month ago. While I know how obnoxious it is to talk about your workouts at the gym all of the time, I keep seeing things that align with education and cognitive science and can't help but make these connections. So, I'll try to do it sparingly, but you should expect that there will be more posts making the connections between fitness classes and academic classes.
The first thing to jump out at me at indoor cycling classes was the power of social norms, but I'll write about that some other time. The one that has struck me over and over again is the connection to working memory. For those that don't know, working memory is what you can hold in your conscious mind simultaneously, and for most of us, it is about four items.
I've taken spin classes from five or six different instructors, and while they all have a slightly different approach, one thing they all talk about is form. You get a better workout if you have your body positioned correctly and use your muscles in the correct way. But problems can arise when these instructions are delivered in a rapid-fire way. "Hands light on the handlebars, elbows bent, shoulders relaxed, abs tight, not hunched over, feet horizontal, legs moving in a smooth circle" is a lot to process at once. By the time I get to the direction of my feet, I've forgotten that my elbows are supposed to be bent. One day, this will all be one chunk in my mind, labeled "riding posture," but it isn't yet. A better approach might be for those teachers to focus on the legs and feet at the beginning and then wait until after the warm-up or after the first song to address your upper body. This might sound weird, but a poster on the wall with a picture of a rider in proper form or some basic reminders like "elbows bent, feet flat" could be useful as well.
Academic teachers, we can learn from this. When you deliver instructions, do you say a lot of them quickly? If so, it is unlikely that students remember the first or second step by the time you get to the last step. Better to give only a couple at a time, letting them get those down before you deliver the next ones. Or perhaps you could project the instructions, so they have something to refer back to when they have forgotten what comes next. For those who teach young kids who have not yet learned to read or English language novices, a picture of what you want (seated student with a pencil, a sheet of paper, and a calculator) would be helpful to their working memories. The picture is also easier to remember and doesn't require your presence or repetition the way verbal instructions do.
I have one instructor who described a working memory scenario without realizing it. She said, "Can you stay at 90 RPMs? Not go above it or below it but stay at it? Can you stay at the point where it is just hard but not your maximum? When you are at maximum work, you are less likely to quit, but when you get down to where you are working hard but don't have the mental distraction of all-out effort, you are more likely to quit." What she described as "the mental distraction of all-out effort" really means full working memory. When you are working right at the limit of cognitive load, you don't have the mental space to think about what it would take to quit or pay attention to the clock. When you have backed down to 85% of your maximum, you have freed up the space to wonder about how much longer you have.
This is instructive to academic teachers as well. Some people use cognitive load theory to assert that we should make things easier for students or reduce the rigor of our classes. That is not, however, what the theory implies. Understanding cognitive load and working memory should help us to identify the perfect level of load. There is a sweet spot where we keep our students working RIGHT AT or just below their maximum capacity. If we are too far below it, they have the space for their minds to wander and consider quitting because it is uncomfortable. If we are above it, they are incapable of sustained work, and they give up. Learning, at its best, is difficult but not impossible.
I'll talk more about working memory and cognitive load in the future, but for now, let's remember the lessons from working out and find the best ways to deliver instruction at the right level for our students to learn.
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Explicit Expectations
Several years ago, Challenge Based Learning was a buzzword in educational circles. The idea is a nice one. Allow students to use their knowledge to solve a problem. And if that is how we all used it, I would be an enthusiastic supporter. Sadly, many teachers implemented it with a different philosophy - students don't need knowledge because they can look it up. So we started presenting students with challenges they couldn't solve because they didn't have the prerequisite knowledge. Their cognitive load was reached quickly, and the results were disastrous.
I do believe, however, that teaching kids problem-solving skills is a good idea and that applying knowledge to a problem they are capable of analyzing is valuable. So, rather than throw out CBL altogether, I have tweaked and modified a project over the years to achieve those goals while still working within the way their brains work.
I've written about my Global Solutions project in previous posts (part 2), and the project gets tweaked every year to make it just a bit better. The gist is this. I assign groups of students an area of the world that has significant problems that can be addressed with a knowledge of physics and engineering (By the way, this is the last project of the year; so they should have a fair amount of knowledge acquired). They are then assigned to study the resources of the area and propose a solution that is feasible, sustainable within the context of the area, and doesn't require government intervention.
Back when I was using the "rules" of CBL, I was extremely vague. The whole idea was that I shouldn't know what they would do. It was their challenge to solve. The problem is that no one operates well that way. Imagine going into a meeting at work and being told "solve a problem" with no parameters, no understanding of the obstacles, and no understanding of what your boss expects. You would be understandably frustrated and complain about your boss or ask him a million questions in an attempt to figure out what you were meant to do.
Does that mean we should abandon the entire idea of challenged-based learning? No. It means we should not follow the weird parts of it - the parts that were developed with the idea that a teacher should only be a facilitator, having no expectations or input. We can still have kids solve a problem, but we can also teach them the prerequisite knowledge first, provide them with clear success criteria, and discuss the pros and cons of their proposals.
This year in physics, I have a class that really likes to riff on silly things. (I'm sure you have never had a class like this, but they exist.). These boys throw out something like "Well, there would be less food insecurity if we took the Thanos approach." I remind them that our head of school and principal usually attend this forum and ask them to picture presenting the idea of killing half the population to them. I call this time "getting the bad ideas out of the way first." It is all well and good for one brainstorming session; I even find it quite entertaining. For a while. Two weeks ago, I was listening as the kids were talking (and I couldn't respond because I had laryngitis), and they were still throwing around silly ideas when we are too far into the project for that to be a good idea. So this week, I said, "Okay guys, it's been funny, but I'm not giving up class time for this anymore. Now, it is time to buckle down and look for real answers; I think some of you need to take another look at the instructions. Here's what I want you to have accomplished by the end of the period. You are going to fill out an exit ticket at the end of class, so you should probably look at the questions now." It was amazing the difference that made. They worked for almost the entire period, and they came up with ideas that can be developed into great presentations. They decided who would have each responsibility in the group. They accomplished more in that 40 minutes than they had during the entire run of the project thus far.
Free exploration works when a kid is interested in an idea and going from link to link without a plan in mind because there isn't a standard he is trying to meet or a timeline on which to accomplish a task. He's just learning what he wants to. But that is not the reality of classes or jobs. When it comes to those, it is important that we provide some clear expectations and either provide or expect them to create a timeline for their work. We need to give guidance and expertise, or they will not arrive at the place we want them to be; they'll wander around in a field. We could call it Guided Challenge or something that communities that we need to put them on the right road with a map.
Stress - Don't Avoid It (Teach Students to Embrace It)
This time of year is often one of the most stressful in schools. It's usually a time with projects because you have learned enough to ...
Güten Pränken is the term coined by Jim Halpert in the series finale of The Office to describe the good pranks that he was going to play on...
I keep seeing this statement on Twitter - "We have to Maslow before they can Bloom." While I understand the hearts of people who ...
Well, this is certainly not what I had planned to write about this week. I wanted to write some educational wonky stuff in preparation for ...