Monday, February 6, 2017

Hoops For Hope 2017

I have previously posted about our annual school event, Hoops for Hope.  It began in February of 2009.  Since that time, it has become a favorite tradition of our school.  It even has its own page in our yearbook.

Kay Yow was the long time coach of the NC State women's basketball team.  Even before her cancer diagnosis, she was much loved for her strength and perseverance.  After multiple battles with cancer, she became an icon and an inspiration.  It is for this reason that GRACE began our Hoops for Hope night in support of the Kay Yow Cancer Fund.  This year, we reached fifty thousand dollars in donations since starting the event.

This event is about fundraising, but it is also about the loving community that GRACE is.  Some years, girl students and female teachers have donated their hair to Children With Hair Loss.  Some years, male teachers have allowed students to shave their heads in exchange for raising a specific amount of money.  This year, our two upper school PE teachers allowed us to tape them to a wall on wheels and spin them around center court at half-time.  People bake cakes and make artwork to be sold in a silent auction.  High school art students donate their time for face painting.  We honor cancer survivors with flowers, candles, and prayer.  Of course, there is also a basketball game going on during all of this, and our fans rock the house.  It has been great, however, that over the years, our opponent has also gotten into the spirit of Hoops for Hope.  We choose a local team, and their fans can be part of the donating and the community spirit.  The night is streamed online for those who are unable to attend.  It is our mission statement in action.

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