Sunday, June 11, 2017

Successful Innovation - Coming Series

As a connected teacher and learner, I follow quite a few educators.  One of them is Jon Bergman, the most well known "flipped classroom" advocate and lecturer.

Some time ago, this list was on his Twitter feed.  This is the top ten things needed for successful flipping of the classroom.  I am not yet a teacher who flips (although I think about it a lot), but as I looked through the list, I realized that this same list could apply to any great change in the classroom.  At GRACE, we have just finished our sixth year of our one to one laptop program, and it has been, in my humble opinion, incredibly successful.  I've blogged before about the non-linear progress we made (four posts here, here, here, and here).

This summer, every teacher in our school is reading The Innovator's Mindset by George Cuoros, and I am noticing a lot of things on this list in that book as well.  Therefore, I have decided to write a post for each of these.  I don't know that I want to stretch it out over the entire summer, so I may post more than one per week or combine some of them as it seems some of them would go well together (Leadership and Acknowledgment - or Time and Focus - or Embedded Support and Community).

First one coming tomorrow - I'll start with Leadership and Acknowledgement.

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