Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Weirdness - Part 1

I am weird.  I have always been weird.  I like being weird.  I believe that one of the reasons God has put me in this job is to show my students that what is normal is not always what is right.  They often do not know the difference between want and need, and seeing teachers they like not have certain things is helpful for their development.  They need to see that what they believe to be critical might not even be necessary.  I've decided to make my next few posts about those things that are so weird about me that it makes my 8th graders stop and wonder how I am still alive.

These will include:
- I do not own a cell phone.
- I do not spend time on hair, makeup, or nails.
- I am a virgin.
- I do not pay people to do things I can do myself.

Those are the ones I have thought of so far.  GRACE teachers reading this.  If you know something else about me that my students think is weird, feel free to comment.  I'm happy to add to this list and write about these things.

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