One of the best resources I have in teaching this chapter is the excellent HBO Mini-Series, From the Earth to the Moon. While there isn't time to show all 12 episodes, I have carefully selected three that enhance the flow of the unit. The first episode, "Can We Do This?" sets the stage by taking the viewer all the way from Yuri Gagarin to the introduction of the Apollo 1 astronauts. The second one that I show them is "Mare Tranquilatis," the episode when Armstrong and Aldrin actually land, usually prompting my students to feel sorry for Michael Collins more than anything. The third is episode 10, "Galileo Was Right." Someday, I will write a post entirely about that episode because it is my absolute favorite. For right now, I want to address something in "Mare Tranquilatis."

I have seen this video over 60 times, but this year, something struck me in this scene that I had never noticed before. The passage ends, "Without me, you can do nothing." For the first time, it hit me how profound this statement was in the context of what they had just done. These two had just landed the lunar module, a feat that some had previously believed to be impossible. Yet, moments later, Buzz reminded himself and his commander that this event was only possible by the grace of God.
When you teach for many years, it can be hard to imagine that you haven't heard everything. The moment you think that, a student asks a question you've never been asked. It can be tempting to think you know your subject so well that you won't need to alter it. I don't know about every subject, but I can assure that isn't true in science. It's always changing. It's hard to imagine that you could notice something new in a video you have watched over five dozen times, but you can. Teachers, don't check out when showing a video. They are filled with teachable moments. Don't stop learning from the world around you and the way your students interact with it. In short, don't stop paying attention.
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